
Warnings, not How-To Guides!

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Graeystone's avatar

Literature Text

Fahrenheit 451
Brave New World
Atlas Shrugged
Logan's Run
Certain Fallout Games
Animal Farm
Too many people on dA and even in Real Life seem to believe these stories are 'How-To Guides' on what our very real world should be like. For anyone who believes that, I have a simple question for you - "Are you that frickin' stupid!?"

The people who created these story meant for them to be 'cautionary tales' or better yet; 'things that should never be attempted in real life.' Yet all the time there are people who think bringing about some of the nastier aspects of these stories would be a 'good thing'. Every time I see someone on TV burning a US Flag, I think of the Firemen from 451. Whenever some person who thinks abortion, what I refer to as 'Sexual Anarchy', and the general decline of basic morality is a good thing, there is images of what the world of Brave New World must be like.

Then there are the Communists. . .sweet dear, idiotic, Communists! Read 1984 or Animal Farm. . .Orwell was a Marxist in his own right but he flat out knew the dangers of Communism.

Then there is how the Elderly are treated. . .without any consideration at all. Might as well start up Logan's Run "Carrousel" and be done with it.

And so on and so on. While the majority of people who have read any/all of these books, watched the movie adaptations, or played a Fallout game, . Very serious warnings about Authoritarianism/Dystopia of one kind of another. Warnings of possible futures of things that are offensive get burned to ashes or strict limits on how long a person can live. Whatever the case might be in these books, the absolute worst parts of them - the Sandmen, the Firemen, National Legislature, or whatever must never be replicated in real life except in a movie to show how evil, vile, and wrong such ideas are.

As for those who work, stupidly willingly or stupidly unwilling, to bring those type of things about, all I will say is, "If you ever actually get a foothold, then you're going to have one hell of a fight on your hands." As General John Stark said, "Live free or die; death is not the worst of evils!"
© 2016 - 2024 Graeystone
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paradigm-shifting's avatar
I think most of these are tales about how the world has always been run, and how the situation could be amplified if we choose to be dumb enough to allow that to happen.

In the past, all dystopias were overt and in your face. It was common knowledge that this is simply how the world operates.
In the present, half the world falls under the category of "there is no greater a slave than the slave who thinks they are free".

The ruling inbred morons were faced with a problem. How do you police a population once it gets too large? The answer: let them police themselves.

So how do you create a self-enforcing tyranny without folks getting wise to it? Simple. You trick them into thinking they are free and the less free they make themselves, the more free they think they are.

The USA is not so much a country as it is a social experiment in freedom. Once the powers who assumed they be realized that they couldn't shut down this experiment which threatened their way of life, they figured out subversive means of co-opting it. Hence things such as the warnings that both Eisenhower and JFK gave in their speeches about "secret societies" and "the military industrial complex".

If we look even deeper at myths, historical accounts and archaeology -- every culture seems to run on a common theme.

At some point in the past, there appears to have been an advanced global civilization that lived in peace with itself. From our perspective it might seem like a paradise or utopia but I think modern humans have a toddler perspective. Being civil and functional isn't paradise or utopia, it is merely adulthood. Adulthood is something humanity has NOT experienced since those days. We're like Children of the Corn on steroids with nukes. There will always be a 1% of the population that is psychopaths. Back in the mythical glory days, it was simply that this 1% was not allowed to be in control. The idea that tyranny could rise was not considered a crazy conspiracy theory and so civilization was built in such a way that this 1% was kept in check.

Every culture also has myths about the fall of humanity into darkness. Whether we did it to ourselves, or it was a natural disaster or a bit of both: the mechanisms which kept that 1% from running rough shot over humanity were now gone.

So thats kind of the general theme regardless of which culture or religion you look at. Things were good. Shit happened. Things have been shit ever since.

The social experiment called the USA was the first sign that humanity was starting to gain back the awareness that, maybe shit doesn't have to keep happening. That perhaps, things could be better, if only we were willing to build a society that can be better.

So now we're all kind of at a bizarre crossroads. Light and Dark are leaning more and more towards a level playing field which is forcing people get get off the fence and make a choice as to which side they are on. It is not a choice between Communism and Fascism, or right and left (the same choice in my opinion lol), or science and religion, or anything like that. The choice for each of us on the individual level is: do we destroy ourselves, or not?

Whether the elites know it or not, their plans are not long term sustainable. No way in hell. They're committing suicide, even if they aren't aware of it. So our choice as individuals is, do we self destruct with them? Do we go down with their proverbial ship? Or do we do the smart thing and get into the metaphorical life boats? Long term, humanity will be fine and Earth will be fine. Short term: there is a process of the separation of the wheat and chaff going on and it is a turbulent process.